Tumultuous, much? - Yasmin Boland
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New Moon phase (still) – Moon in Aries

To quote Joey Tribbiani, how YOU doing?

It’s been quite a week…

We have had the New Moon in Pisces (you can catch the free New Moon session I did here – it’s valid for all month), Mercury went retrograde and Uranus only moved into Taurus.

It’s A LOT!

Your daily stars today are about the big picture.

Here at my house I can tell you there has been a lot going on. We have been feeling it. To the point that I finally instituted something I have been meaning to put in place for at least a year; a morning family meditation.

Try it at your place. It only needs to be a few minutes long. Call in the Archangels and guides and Goddesses you like to work with (I love Ganesha, Jesus (the healer), Archangel Raphael (ditto), Goddess Kuan Yin (for compassion and mercy) among others.

I am trying to decide how to move forwards with the Daily Moon Messages in a way that keeps them really fresh. Stay tuned!

EVENTS: Are you in London, New York or the Netherlands?

I have events coming up in London, New York and the Netherlands… come join me!

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