Possibly THE BEST-SELLING oracle cards in the world!

Do you love oracle cards?
My Moonology cards are currently possibly
THE BEST-SELLING oracle cards in the world!
There’s a secret behind these cards.
As I was writing them, I did ritual after ritual to bring in positive energy.
Here’s the thing; writing them wasn’t the easiest thing I’ve ever done.
There were lots of stops and starts and I was freaking out a bit!
Moreover, writing a deck of cards is such a different experience to writing a book. With a book you just write chapter after chapter and you don’t need to worry about if it’s going to magically work or not.
Obviously it’s a different story with cards!
They have to have that certain Je Ne Sais Quoi.
They have to be able to answer people’s questions.
So as I wrote them, I kept offering them up to the Divine.

I focused on Ganesha and Narayani,
a triple Goddess made up of Lakshmi, Saraswati and Durga, and the Goddess at the Indian ashram I have been lucky enough to go to on and off for the past 15 years.

In my humble opinion,
these rituals and dedications to the Divine are why my Moonology cards have made their way around the world to become some
of the very best, if not currently the very best-selling
cards in the world.
these rituals and dedications to the Divine are why my Moonology cards have made their way around the world to become some
of the very best, if not currently the very best-selling
cards in the world.
Thank you Divine!
I hope you love them!