Sagittarius daily horoscope – March 22 2019 - Yasmin Boland
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Healing is in the air

Healing is in the air today as the Sun makes it’s annual super-connection with the healing planetoid Chiron.

Chiron is one of the few planetoids used by nearly all modern astrologers. It’s all about healing the pain that inevitably comes to us in life. It’s also about pain that makes us evolve! Sounds scary? It doesn’t have to be!

The thing with Chiron is to keep your standards high, then your lessons won’t be so tricky.

What it means for you

As a Sagittarius, Chiron is now moving through your 5th House of Romance, Creativity and Kids. This suggests that you are now going to be in a position to heal any hurts or past pain that you have related to any of these subjects (or in some case, two or even all three of them). We all get hurt from time to time and mostly there does come a time to start to heal. For you, that time starts now. The best thing you can do is talk it out, at least to start with. Don’t lower your standards in any of these areas.

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