by Yasmin Boland | 3 hours ago | Taurus
The Sun today moves into your 10th house – that’s the part of your chart connected to your career and reputation. You can expect to start feeling a whole lot more ambitious – at the very least, you need to use the coming four weeks to think about the...
by Yasmin Boland | 4 hours ago | Taurus, Weekly Taurus
You can’t avoid change forever, no matter how hard you try. Chances are, you could be living your best life right now. If you aren’t, then ask yourself, what can you do to change it? Maybe you need to trust and surrender to not knowing. Are you able to follow your...
by Yasmin Boland | 2 days ago | Taurus
There are some really positive planets occupying your Lucky 11th House right now. This includes, Venus, your personal planet. So when it comes to your Friends, Groups and Social Networks, both online and in real life, do put your best foot forward. Sure, you’re not...
by Yasmin Boland | 3 days ago | Taurus
Whatever you’ve been curious about. Whatever it is you know you have to change your mind about it. Whatever you need to do to improve your communication skills in a key relationship – this, and all of the above is what you need to lean into now. This isn’t the time to...
by Yasmin Boland | 4 days ago | Taurus
Venus, your guiding star, is currently positioned in your Friends Zone. Thus, you may really be enjoying time with friends, colleagues and people in your social circles overall. There may be a catch though. Do start thinking about who is truly aligned with you and who...
by Yasmin Boland | 5 days ago | Taurus
If your sense of meaning and purpose in life feels bereft of you now, maybe it’s a case of changing your perspective. You see, most people only think of the big wins and the lofty goals. This happens at the cost of ignoring the little things done on the daily that...