Taurus Daily Horoscope – May 22 2021 - Yasmin Boland
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If you’re wondering why the energies are so CRAZY right now, it’s because we’re headed into the belly of two eclipses, a Saturn/Uranus clash and another Mercury retrograde. Live consciously or be careful! Today you’re forecast gives you a heads up about what to expect from the upcoming …

Mercury retrograde ahoy!

Mercury will be retrograde in your 2nd House so expect to be doing some rethinking and reconsidering about cash, property and/or your possessions during this upcoming cycle. (In fact, these topics might already be in your mind, as we are in the Mercury retrograde shadow period.) Your self‑esteem and what you really value is also up for a rethink, so begin it now. It may also be time to reconsider what’s important to you in life. It sounds like a big question and, yes, it is. But you only get the occasional chance to really revise such major issues. So, what really matters to you? Is your current lifestyle supporting what you believe to be important in the great scheme of things? If you’ve been feeling negative about yourself lately, this cycle asks you to think again about your opinion of yourself! Rate yourself more highly and more money will follow. It’s the law of attraction. Also, what good does it do you to act small? Interested in Mercury retrograde? Grab my Mercury Retrograde Book here.

Get some cosmic insurance

Working with the Moon through the eclipses is the best thing you can do to stay on an even keel as the energy builds. Join the (free!) Moon Lite Collective and get a wealth of free Moon info which will help you strengthen your ability to create a magical life. For real! It’s here.

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