Taurus Daily Horoscope – February 15 2021 - Yasmin Boland
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It’s going to feel like you’re having a slow start to your day today, but instead of feeling frustrated by this see this as a chance to catch your breath and organise your mind. If you use this slow time well you’ll be able to uncover something that will lead you to someone new and influential for your life. This person is important for your future, so pay attention to any resource that may lead you to them.

Forget those mean things that person said to you…

Are you struggling with self-doubt because of the mean things someone said to you which, which made you doubt yourself and which you feel like you can’t get over?
If so, I may have the solution for you. It’s a brand new free 7-day challenge called The Moonology Manifesting Challenge.
It’s here https://magic.moonology.com/7-day-moonology-challenge-yasmin
It will help you to clear away self-doubt and change your life the way you have always wanted to.!
So if you’re serious about wanting to create a new reality for yourself, and to learn how to do Moon Manifesting that actually WORKS, then take a look at this:

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