Daily Moon Into Pisces - Yasmin Boland
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On a good Pisces Moon Day, life can feel dreamy and romantic.

It’s a day when one hour melts into the next and no one seems in too much of a rush for anything. Poetry can be written and read. Meditations go deeper. Soulmates can appear, or unite or reunite. The word ‘soulful’ gets put to good use.

What’s not to like about a Pisces Moon Day?

Well, addictions might be an issue for some of us. Self-pity, a sense of being lost, and of being a martyr, happen more readily on a Pisces Moon Day. But it’s a balance: just as a Pisces Moon Day can be about altered states reached with drugs and alcohol, it can also be about getting into an altered state by doing a spiritual practice that connects you to the Divine.

Or even better, because of being with someone who makes you feel like you’ve seen God/dess.

– From my best-selling book Moonology

What today is good for…

◗ Good for… Swimming, dreaming, bathing.

◗ Not so good for…Rigorous mental or physical work, arguments, being down to earth.

◗ Do… Dream a little or big dream.

◗ Don’t… Expect it to come true without some concrete follow-through.

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Cosmic Extras

Pisces Cosmic Extras

Top 3 affirmations:

1. ‘It’s okay to say no.’

2. ‘Inner peace is my focus.’

3. I now release my fears.’

Essential Oil to use: Lavender

Mantra: Ah. Chant it out loud or silently

Chakra: The Crown (aka Sahasrara)

Angel: Sandalphon, the intercessor

Goddess: Kuan Yin, Goddess of compassion

There’s more information about working with the Cosmic Extras in my book Moonology

Order Moonology Diary 2020 at half the price!

Grab the almost sold-out Moonology Diary 2020 for half the price. You can get up to 50% off on all my books, ebook and audio too. People in UK can go here for the discount. People in USA can go here. My Aussie friends can go here! The Moonology Diary 2020 is every astrology fan’s must-have tool to harness the Moon’s power in their day-to-day life and attract positive changes in the year 2020. Within this beautifully illustrated diary, award-winning astrologer and best-selling Hay House author Yasmin Boland gives detailed instruction to work with each lunation and use the Moon as a cosmic timer for manifesting and energy clearing. Grab your copy here for half-the-price.

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