Taurus Daily Horoscope – September 18 2019 - Yasmin Boland
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Yesterday on my show I had an incredible woman called Laura Day – aka the Wall Street Psychic. She gave out some of the most amazing info about how super-psycic we all are! Click here to listen.

Saturn direct

The heavy-duty planet Saturn is changing directions now. In one way, it’s a good thing because it means you no longer have to keep going over the same old same old lessons you’ve been learning … on the other hand, it also means there are going to be some new lessons to learn now, as Saturn heads through Capricorn. Are you ready to learn the lessons life is teaching you? Here’s where Saturn is for you in 2019.

Where is Saturn for you?

Wherever Saturn goes, lessons follow. In this current cycle, Saturn will make or has already made a harmonious aspect to your Sun. Saturn should help you clear obstacles now and to get your ambitions in order, if that’s what you want. It’s about being organised and getting things down. In your solar 9th house, Saturn is asking you to begin to see the world through new eyes – your own. You are clearer and clearer on the rules of the game of life and can see widely and well. This transit is also important because of what comes next. If you put in the hard work now, Saturn should help you reap the rewards later. However, we’re talking about long term commitment rather than instant gratification. It’s important now not to mistrust anything which you don’t understand, just because you don’t understand it. The 9th house is about your world view and Saturn might tempt you to limit that. Which is how you come back to looking at the world through your own eyes rather than someone else’s. Broaden your own vision. The 9th house is also about travel and study, so for many of you, a long awaited trip could materialise. Others will start a course of study which could last a long time or lay strong foundations for the future. You work on your philosophies this year and it’s important to remain flexible here. Don’t let your views paint you into a corner. If you change your mind, don’t be afraid to admit it. For others still, this will be a year when you get in touch with your religious side, for others with your metaphysical side. Don’t get too esoteric though. You are laying down important tracks which you’ll use to travel to the future. Keep things real. If you put in the ground work now, and stay mature and responsible, you’ll look back on this as a year when you made investments which took time to pay off, (and I don’t just mean financially). Keep your mind wide open for opportunities to rebuild your philosophies on life, so that they are in tune with where you want to go in the real world.

Want to learn astrology?

I have a free mini-course for that – it’s online, 3-part and will take you just beyond the basics to give you a taster of learn about the sun, moon and stars, so you can decided if you want to go further. Click here!

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