Daily Moon into Gemini - Yasmin Boland
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The day can seem to go very fast, because the Moon is in the quicksilver sign of Gemini.

This can be a good thing if you’re not already overworked, but a tad confusing if you’ve a lot on your plate. Certainly it’s a busy day.

Aries Moon Days are all about action, while the Gemini Moon is more about mental energy – talking to lots of people and nonstop moving about. If you have a presentation to give today, you have the stars (or rather the Moon) on your side.

Similarly, a Gemini Moon Day is a great time to hold a social gathering (aka a party) because everyone is going to be extra chatty, which oils the social wheels. Conversations today can make sense of a lot of things. It’s a day to be inquisitive.

– From my best-selling book Moonology

What today is good for…

◗ Good for… Socializing, thinking, reading, talking – and generally taking your communications skills for a whirl.

◗ Not so good for… Being totally Zen – there’s too much to do and too many places to go.

◗ Do… Call up your best pal, your siblings/parents and anyone else on your ‘must call’ list.

◗ Don’t… Keep gabbing away on social media until you embarrass yourself. You will know when to stop, so do it.

If you want to really drill down on the New Moon, find out where it’s taking place in your chart and work more powerfully with it via chants and cosmic connection, then please treat yourself to the June New Moon Info Sheet for your star sign or rising sign (and get rest of the 11 signs FREE as bonus). You can order it here and get instant access to it.

Cosmic Extras

Gemini Cosmic Extras

Top 3 affirmations:

1. ‘I am expressing myself clearly, kindly and fearlessly.’

2. ‘I listen as much as I speak.’

3. ‘My relationship with my sibling/neighbour gets better and better.’

Essential Oil to use: Bergamot

Mantra: Hum. Chant it out loud or silently

Chakra: The Throat, aka Vishudha,

Angel: Zadkiel, archangel of compassion

Goddess: Saraswati, Goddess of wisdom

Cosmic Ray: The 3rd ray which is yellow

There’s more information about working with the Cosmic Extras in my book Moonology

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