We are headed for the Full Moon… - Yasmin Boland
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First Quarter Moon into Pisces: You know when you get to the First Quarter Moon phase that we are nearly at the Full Moon.

And that’s where we are now.

It’s also a time when some kind of crisis or issue could come up for you – all the better for you to work a little harder on your dreams.

The astrological reason behind what’s going on at this time is that the Moon is now just far enough away to clash with the Sun, making a hard angle.

The angle, called a square, is known for creating an itch that needs to be scratched! In other words, issues that come up now call for some kind of action to be taken.

– Today’s Daily Moon message comes from my best-selling book Moonology – click here to check it out!

Today’s freebie

Mercury will start to backwards soon. Want to get the advance skinny on this. You can grab our completely free, very pretty Mercury retrograde guide here.

Pisces Cosmic Extras

Top 3 affirmations:

1. ‘It’s okay to say no.’

2. ‘Inner peace is my focus.’

3. I now release my fears.’

Essential Oil to use: Lavender

Mantra: Ah. Chant it out loud or silently

Chakra: The Crown (aka Sahasrara)

Angel: Sandalphon, the intercessor

Goddess: Kuan Yin, Goddess of compassion

There’s more information about working with the Cosmic Extras in my book Moonology

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