Chaos reigns… - Yasmin Boland
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Balsamic Moon in Libra: There are two major astrological events happening around this week’s New Moon. The first is that Uranus moves out of Taurus and back in Aries. This happens tomorrow.

Queue some kind of change to the financial markets as we head towards the end of the year. Will they go up or down? Uranus is the planet of the unpredictable and chaos theory, so it’s very hard to say!

At around the same time, though, the planet the risk planet Jupiter moves into the sign of Sagittarius (the day after the New Moon).

How to use this information in your Moon work:

1. When you do your New Moon wishes this month, think about the radical changes you want to make in your life
2. Take some calculated risks
3. Talk to the Goddess Fortuna – who is the Goddess of good fortune – and ask her to favour you when it comes to your current most pressing issue
4. Think about how you have “woken up” in the past few months and pat yourself on the back
5. Expect the best

You can do all this on the night of the New Moon. Click here for the New Moon times around the world.

Work with the New Moon…

If you want to start to consciously create your best life, then this week’s New Moon is ideal for making wishes and setting intentions. Get a complete How To in our FREE New Moon wishing guide which you can download instantly here.

Libra Cosmic Extras

Top 3 affirmations:

1. ‘I love you and I love me.’

2. ‘I am easy to get along with – all my relationships are harmonious.’

3. ‘I am free of the past. My relationships are now resolving themselves.’

Essential Oil to use: Jasmine

Mantra: Yum. Chant it out loud or silently

Chakra: The Heart chakra, aka Anahata

Angel: Jophiel, archangel of beauty

Goddess: Lakshmi, Goddess of love, wealth and beauty

Heavenly Ray: The 7th ray, which is violet

There’s more information about working with the Cosmic Extras in my book Moonology

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