3 reasons why you feel overwhelmed right now - Yasmin Boland
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As always, it’s in the stars

I don’t know about you but I have been feeling rather overwhelmed. At first I thought it was because I have been through some personal stuff – nothing drastic and happy endings all round but still. Then I thought maybe it was because I was tired. Then I thought it might be the 7 columns I have backed up that I need to write.

And then I realised…

I am being Full Mooned, I have Uranus up my yin yang and also I am being sympathetic/empathetic.

Let me explain…

1. What’s with the Full Moon?

As you might now, the Full Moon rolls around once a month and it’s usually a very emotional time. So right off the bat, there is that. I am always going on about processing feelings at the Full Moon because guess what – they come to the surface at this time of the month! My response to my feelings this time around has been to chant, pray, light candles and ask for guidance. Oh and some good, old fashioned release crying!

The good news is that this Full Moon isn’t a particularly tough one. In fact if we are lucky, it could be rather healing, since it takes place next to Chiron.

My advice to you is a Robert Frost quote I read on a Meggan Watterson oracle card last week…

The only way out is through.

2. Uranus up the yin yang

Moreover I have Uranus playing havoc in my chart. Fact is, we more or less all do though some people more than others. If you happen to be Taurus or Taurus rising or you have your Sun or Ascendant at 0 degrees of pretty much anything, or another planet at 0 degrees of something, then you are likely to have Uranus up your yin yang too!

We have all known Uranus was coming for our yin yangs. But that doesn’t make it easier. Uranus is like an out of control water hose and even if everything works out ok, it’s tiring to deal with. So there’s that too.

3. And then there is the sympathy/empathy thing…

Even if you are feeling FINE (yay, go you!) chances are you have people you care deeply about who are either being Full Moon or Uranus-ed and again, I don’t know how you feel, but I for one do NOT like to see people I care about having a tough time. So that is also draining. I have one friend whose husband needs life-saving surgery, another one who has had a falling out with a life-long pal and is totally broken-hearted, another with a health issue which means she can’t leave the house half the time. I feel for them.

On the plus side…

The Full Moon in the next few hours will break the storm, at least a bit. Once the Full Moon has been and gone, it will be as though some of the anxiety deflates like a 3 day old party balloon. Moreover, as per the quote, the only way out of here is through anyway. Everything happens for a reason and although we can plead to the powers for grace, at the end of the day, we have to feel out feelings and deal with our sh*t or things can get rather toxic.

As ever, the best way to deal with our stuff if through forgiveness so if you don’t have my Full Moon forgiveness kit yet, I would like to offer it to you here when you sign up for the (free) Moon Lite Club.

Plus I will do a Facebook Live here and an oracle card reading plus a Full Moon mini-puja in the next 20 hours too.

Sending lots of love.


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