Why I Do Workshops - Yasmin Boland
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An email from a reader who also been to one or more of my London workshops, got me to thinking about the workshops I do.
If you have ever been to one, you will have seen me say that I consciously created them, using a late night hypnosis tape.
I don’t know why but I have this DEEP desire to do them. I have been lucky enough to do them in the UK, USA and Australia.
FYI in case you are or will be in the London neighbourhood, the next ones will be with
– Alternatives in London on January 6 “The 25 New and Full Moons of 2019” and then
– in May at the London Mind, Body, Spirit event.
I am very excited about both! Come along if you can! I will share ticket info when I have it.
The last one I did in Australia taught me a lot. Some people thought it was too much info and not enough magic. I think I wanted to TEACH everyone everything in one day so they could go off and start their practise.
However I have since realised people also come because they want to be inspired and to do meditations. We ALL need to go to workshops and do meditations and so on. I need to do them as much as the next person, or more!
The group energy at great workshops is freaking AMAZING. That’s because the people who come to my workshops and lots of the others all over everywhere are amazing.
I recently did one in New York which I loved with the great team at the Open Center (special thanks to Aracely Brown and Laura Day for making it happen!)
For New Yorkers, I have been asked to do another one – hopefully it will be in October 2019. Before that I hope to do one in LA in February next year. (I am fascinated by the USA!)
I think that digital tech notwithstanding, workshops are the still the most powerful way to get the Moon information out! And I really want to get it out.
In nearly every workshop I remind people that historically what we are learning to do with Moon manifesting and conscious creation is something our the women of great, great grandmothers’ generations were burned at the stake for using!
I also really LOVE LOVE LOVE getting to know the people who read my writing – online and books.
And they can be fun too. They are nearly always uplifting and inspiring.
Just wanted to share! And if you have read this far, I really hope I can see you at one of my workshops!

I will post links to tickets when they become available!

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