What are you wishing for? - Yasmin Boland
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First Quarter Moon– Moon in Aries

As mentioned yesterday, this is the Quarter Moon time – a really important time to go back and re-read the wish lists you made at the time of the New Moon.

Re-feel them.

Re-visualize them.

Re-imagine them.

It’s also a time when some kind of crisis or issue could come up for you – all the better for you to work a little harder on your dreams.

The astrological reason behind what’s going on at this time is that the Moon is now just far enough away to clash with the Sun, making a hard angle. The angle, called a square, is known for creating an itch that needs to be scratched! In other words, issues that come up now call for some kind of action to be taken.

> This week and into New Year, a lot of these messages will come direct from my book Moonology …

When I calculate the New Moon for these messages, I look at where the Moon is at the time of the last major planetary link of the day.

Some phases last longer than others. This New Moon is stretching out but maybe that’s the skies being compassionate to us busy bees!

Want to work with the Moon all year?

I have a ton of great stuff if you want to work with the Moon – from my Hay House Moonology diary (good for Aussie, UK and USA time zones) to my Create, Plan and Predict Your Life kit.

Today’s freebie

Our free 2019 mini-guide about the Promises and the Pressures of the year ahead is now GO! You can download it here.

Aries Cosmic Extras

Top 3 affirmations:

1. ‘Today is the first day of the rest of my life!’

2. ‘I take pride in my appearance.’

3. ‘I am brave!’

Essential Oil to use: Angelica

Mantra: Ram. Chant it out loud or silently

Chakra: The Solar Plexus, aka Manipura

Angel: Ariel, archangel of divine magic

Goddess: Athena, the warrior goddess and protector

Cosmic Ray: The 1st Ray which is red

There’s more information about working with the Cosmic Extras in my book Moonology

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