Virgo Daily Horoscope – February 02 2021 - Yasmin Boland
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Technology is a wonderful thing. It connects us to our loved ones as well as professional opportunities all over the globe. Despite this, the concept of digital fatigue is real. Part of the problem is that there are so many platforms vying for our attention. So many notifications pinging 24/7. You do have a choice in this though. If you’re feeling beyond frazzled by all the technology, then unplug yourself from it for a while. You’ll be amazed by how much even one day can reduce your stress levels.

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The easiest way to connect with the cosmos is to start by connecting to the Moon. She is free, available to everyone all over the world and can help you make magic. Join the (free!) Moon Lite Collective and get some amazing resources to help you on your journey here.

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