Virgo Daily Horoscope – 20 January 2022 - Yasmin Boland
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Where’s the Sun?

The Sun is changing signs today, moving from Capricorn, where we just had the New Moon, and into the sign of Aquarius, where it will clash with crazy Uranus and meet up with serious Saturn… in other words, although we are nearly out of the 2020/2021 woods, there could be a few more surprises and hard lessons to deal with before we get to the glory that is the Jupiter/Uranus alignment in February which is going to help us all to turn the corner! 

What does this mean for you? (Read your Rising Sign!)

As the Sun moves into your sixth house, it’s all about the ticking over of daily life.  Think about your routines and ways that you can improve or change them up so that they work for your benefit.  Are there responsibilities you have been lax about?  Now is the time to tighten the reigns and get things in order.  The Sun is on your side to do so!   Get out your planner and assess how your routines can work better on your behalf.  This period also includes a good look at your health.  How well are you looking after yourself?  How could you nurture yourself better?  Also, think about the ways in which you can nurture others better.  How can you put some of your needs aside and serve others?  Balance is in order right now, taking care of others and honoring yourself at the same time.

So what are you focused on in life?

The Sun acts as a kind of spotlight as it goes around your chart and as you know, what you focus on is what you get. Want to focus on something better? Then you need to release the negative. I will help you do this for FREE in my Moonology Manifesting Challenge.

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