The Full Moon and surrender - Yasmin Boland
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I have been thinking a lot about surrender lately and as we approach the Full  Moon, it’s the right time.


I first started to contemplate and at least partially understand the idea of surrender in the early 2000s. After a particularly nasty break up, I decided I would work on myself and, specifically, via the right and left hand sides of my brain.


So I did two things.

  1. I went to a quite life-changing course I’d been meaning to do for at least a decade, The Forum, Levels 1 and 2, and

  2. I went to an Indian ashram and learned about surrendering to the Divine.

Two very different experiences! I still use what I learned from both of them.


The ashram’s mantra is the one I share all the time; Om Namo Narayani. This is a variation on the more widely-used Om Namo Narayana. Narayani is for the Divine Feminine and Narayana is for the Divine Masculine. It’s Sanskrit – Om Namo means I honour or bow down to, and implicitly.


I learned about surrendering and the power of surrender. As I like to say, I can usually only manage about two seconds of total and utter surrender at a time. I am no expert. But I know surrender really gets. It helps us to get out of our own way.


As we move through 2019 and the subject is going to come up again and again. As we move towards the Full Moon and towards an amazing time to surrender, all these ideas are worth thinking about. Ask yourself, what do I surrender to the Divine? Anything? Nothing?


So what is surrender?


I think it’s trusting that the best outcome for our soul is what will happen.


So far example, if you are in the house buying market, intention would be going to an auction (if you’re in Oz) or making an offer on a house >>> surrender would be accepting that whatever happens is for the best.


If you “win” the auction or the offer is accepted, you would say “OK great, it’s the best house for me” (though personally I would still get a building inspection!) … and if you don’t get it, you can surrender and say “well, clearly there’s something better out there for you and there’s a reason for a delay…”


For me, this throws up two main questions:


  1. If it doesn’t turn out in a way that you like eventually, do you then surrender on the basis that whatever you’re going through is required for your soul to evolve?
  2. What do you do if the first offer is rejected? How much surrender is too much surrender? Do you surrender and give up? Maybe you need to up your offer. Or do you take inspired action?



It all comes down to what you believe.


Monks in Asia move around in just the robes on their back with bowls. People give them food, and they sleep where they can. Now that is surrender! Most of us don’t go that far.


I believe that we create our own reality to a very large extent, one way or another, and that surrender is a really good way of letting your Higher Self lead the way. But that doesn’t mean doing nothing, in my book. In my book it’s about declaring your intentions, being open, and then trusting.


One of the themes this year which I want to explore is learning about manifesting, tied into the Saturn/Neptune alignments.

If you love the Moon as I do, then you will love the (free) Moon Lite club which has 8 resources to help you to work with the Moon throughout the month and the year. It’s here.

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