Taurus Daily Horoscope – March 25 2021 - Yasmin Boland
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You’ve been working toward developing your inner confidence and self – esteem. To be honest, you have that in spades, but sometimes, you don’t wield your power as much as you could. Right now, you’re being encouraged to speak up about the things you want and need. And, if what’s on offer right now isn’t enough, then it’s your responsibility to do something about it. The proverbial fork in the road is here. You can either speak up about a situation, or, you can vote with your feet!

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The easiest way to connect with the cosmos is to start by connecting to the Moon. She is free, available to everyone all over the world and can help you make magic. Join the (free!) Moon Lite Collective and get some amazing resources to help you on your journey here.

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