Taurus Annual 2018 - Yasmin Boland
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This could be one of the most exciting years of your life. Reason being, the planet of excitement and unexpected mad times and revolutions, aka Uranus (the planet with the shocking name) is moving into your sign. This hasn’t happened for decades and decades (since the 1930s).

So what will it mean to have the planet of liberation, freedom and Five Cups of Crazy in your sign?

It means that you can expect a wild ride! Uranus is the roller coaster planet so having him in your sign means you’re in for a roller coaster time. Get the picture? Anything which limits or hampers you – be it your parents, your beloved or your job – will be less acceptable. You will be less willing to accept anyone telling you what to do. You will want a revolution in your life. You could easily move house to somewhere totally unexpected, have your life go topsy turvy in a great way or a confusing way and/or suddenly decide that you’re mad as hell and you’re not going to take it anymore!

All this starts as of May but you will already be feeling the Uranus vibes. The way to co-exist with this madness in your sign is to live and let live, allow life to evolve and be as forward thinking as you can be!

One thing which could really change (and improve!) this year, amid all this Uranian madness, is … your love life. The Uranus energy will be firing EVERYTHING up for you, as already explained. But added to that is the astro-fact that the planet of good luck and good times, aka Jupiter, will be moving into your Love Zone for the first time in more than 10 years.

Traditionally, if an astrologer was looking to see when someone would fall in love and/or get married, one thing they would most certainly look for would be when Jupiter went into your Love Zone. So this is what’s happening for you now! Yes, it’s big! Yes you could get married this year!

Of course, if you’re still at school (this diary goes out to a wide range of people!) you hopefully won’t be tying the knot with anyone anytime soon! However know this; with Jupiter in your Love Zone for most of this year, you should find that your understanding of love and relationships broadens, you could meet someone from overseas who really floats your love boat, you could find that your love options and expand. And PS if you’re too young to get married this Jupiter time around, make a note that you will have the same Jupiter action in your Love Zone again in the year 2019!

And if you’re older and of an age to get married, yes, it’s an ideal IF you’re with someone who makes you happy. Jupiter wants nothing more than to have fun. And if you’re in a relationship which is not happy, then you could well decide to make a bid for freedom. Good idea! Life is too short to be unhappy, right?

Also this year, you get to experience the power of Saturn in your 9th House, which is a wonderful thing for you if you happen to be at school or University. Saturn is the planet of study and hard work, and your 9th House is where you seek to learn and see the world, to be educated and to teach as well.

So summing it all up, this year could be an exciting and crazy ride, you could fall head over heels in love and despite all these wonderful distractions, it’s also a time when you could really excel in any form of study or teaching.

Make the most of it! Certainly when it comes to your relationships, this could be the best year you have for a while. If you’re single, get out and mingle. If you’re attached, take your beloved on hols and make the most of the fun love vibes.

Also note that the eclipses in 2018 are going to be triggering your Home Zone and your Career Zone. As tempting as it might be to aim higher and higher when it comes to your professional life in 2018, your stars strongly suggest that you will find more happiness and fulfilment when you focus on your home, family and personal life. At the very least, do what you can to find a good balance. All that said, massive achievements at school or professionally are definitely a possibility in the coming 12 months.

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