Scorpio Monthly Horoscope – April 2019 - Yasmin Boland
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Your word is your wand

If you’re into self-help, you have probably read that before; your word is your wand. It’s actually a quote from 19th century New York metaphysician Florence Scovel Shinn. People lke me repeat and repeat it because it’s so descriptive. It’s a bit like “In the beginning was the word…” The point is that you create with what you say (and think). So what are you saying and what are you creating? Ask yourself this and answer with brutal honesty today!

What about the Moon…?

We are now in the waning cycle – it just feels like the waxing cycle to me as I am being Uranus-ed! How about you? If you feel like you’re on a roller coaster ride, chances you are too. Want to understand this mayhem better? I asked 12 of the world’s best astrologer for THEIR opinion about this new Uranus cycle – their replies are here.

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