Sagittarius Daily Horoscope – July 23 2019 - Yasmin Boland
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* First of all, if you would like to hear all about the energies for the week ahead, please do tune into my free weekly internet radio show Weekly Astrology with Yasmin
* Also, important news; the Sun is changing signs today, moving from Moonchild (aka Cancer) to Leo, ahead of next week’s New Moon in Leo. That means the focus is changing for us all … FYI this cycle last for the next four weeks.

Here’s where the focus is for you now

Today marks the start of a four-week period when any study, travel or self-improvement courses you undertake will be particularly well-starred. Try not to do any of these things alone if you can help it – it’s not the time to retreat from the world. Overall, the skies suggest that the main thing you need to be doing now and for the next month is looking for ways to expand your world view, whether you do that by actually getting away, by studying, reading, seeing foreign films and/or getting to know someone who comes from somewhere quite different to you. If you are interested in the spiritual or metaphysical, now is the time for you to explore those realms a little more deeply.

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