PODCAST What is Flow Dreaming? - Yasmin Boland
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Meet Summer McStravick…

Summer is a renowned personal growth coach, author, and podcaster, who has profoundly impacted the way we think about manifesting our dreams.

Summer is also a pioneer…

We first met more than a decade ago when she was working for Hay House. She has since gone on to develop a unique technique known as Flow Dreaming.

It’s an approach to manifestation where you allow your daydreams to engage your imagination and directly influence your emotional state, thus harnessing the energy needed to achieve your goals.

And as we all know, imagination is the key to successful manifesting!

A Deep Dive into Flow Dreaming

Summer told me she wanted to come onto my Mainly Moonology podcast to teach my readers about her techniques so of course, I was delighted to welcome her! She took us deep into the principles of Flow Dreaming, explaining how this technique allows us to use daydreams as powerful tools to shape our reality. Flow Dreaming is an active practice that involves tuning into your emotions and directing them towards realizing your desires.

Why Flow Dreaming?

Summer says that Flow Dreaming works because it taps into the emotional undercurrents that propel our deepest desires, transforming daydreaming from a passive activity into a purposeful, powerful practice. She says mastering this technique has lead many of her students to significant life changes, propelling the towards their goals with greater clarity and speed.

Join Us In Learning

I invite you to listen into Summer’s talk and perhaps discover a new tool to add to your personal growth toolkit. Summer’s insights provide a fresh perspective on how we can actively engage with our dreams and aspirations, making them a tangible reality. Summer also gave us a meditation to listen to as well, to get us into Flow Space!

Flow Dreaming might be the key you need to unlock a new level of personal achievement and happiness. So, are you ready to learn more and perhaps try Flow Dreaming for yourself?

Dive in and explore the possibilities on the podcast!


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