Pisces daily horoscope – February 21 2019 - Yasmin Boland
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Venus is on the move …

Venus represents love and abundance in the chart. Wherever she goes, she sprinkles a kind of magic. But she only stays in each sign for a limited time… here’s where you need to make the most of her now…

Hopefully you have had a marvellous time of it lately with your friends. Venus has spent the past few weeks in your 11th House which is where you connect to the people in your social circle. You still have a few more days of this so if you’re on a social whirl, keep it going while you can. You are still in a strong position to meet people who feel like kindred spirits. Once this cycle is over, you are going to spend a few weeks in a very different love space – think dreamy and perhaps a little secretive.

We are still in the Full Moon phase

Tap into the Full Moon energy while it lasts (for one more day) by giving yourself an energetic clear out using the Full Moon Forgiveness Kit available free in the Moon Lite Club.

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