Pisces Daily Horoscope – February 16 2021 - Yasmin Boland
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Venus is the planet of love and abundance…

Venus is the planet of love and abundance… and she will soon be on the move, moving from one part of your chart to another. She sprinkles a special kind of magic wherever she goes, so your forecast today is a reminder about where she is now and where you can make the most of her, before she departs!

Your daily forecast

Had any nice fantasies lately? Venus, the planet of love, is about to exit your 12th House. This suggests your fantasy life is about to decrease but your actual love life is likely to improve! You’re less likely to feel scared about love, less likely to be requited to make sacrifices for love and less likely to give and receive mixed love messages. You’re MORE likely to start feeling a whole lot more loved up and even appreciated. Single and looking? This is a very promising cycle for you. Couples get a chance to work out issues and feel closer.

Do you want to know something exciting?

You have the ability to shape your reality. Did you know that? I don’t believe it’s something like a light switch where – KERPOW! – one day you’re broke and not feeling too healthy and – KERPOW AGAIN! – the next day you’re suddenly in perfect shape with a generous bank account. It’s not like that. Think of it more as shapeshifting your life. Slowly but surely you reshape you reality with your thoughts. We do this 24/7 anyway so we might as well do it consciously, right? Find out more about it – get on the (free!) Moonology Manifesting Challenge here.

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