New Moon wishing – it's not too late - Yasmin Boland
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New Moon phase – Moon into Aquarius

This week and into New Year, a lot of these messages will come direct from my book Moonology …

When I calculate the New Moon for these messages, I look at where the Moon is at the time of the last major planetary link of the day.

Some phases last longer than others. This New Moon is stretching out but maybe that’s the skies being compassionate to us busy bees!

If you haven’t made your New Moon wishes, it’s not too late! Here’s a definition of the New Moon from the Moonology diary 2019:

Create Your Life There’s an amazing power in making wishes that come from the heart. Based on the idea that ‘If you can believe it, you can conceive it,’ it’s one of the ways in which we unconsciously create our reality.

Look around you: everything you see started as an idea. Creating, wishing, setting intentions and making commitments at the time of the New Moon is something that we have done for millennia, because energetically it’s the right time to do it (literally as soon as possible after the New Moon).

Once you begin this monthly process, and back up your wishes with actions, you’ll be amazed to see your ability to manifest unfold. There are a few golden rules to observe:

1. Don’t meddle with anyone else’s free will.

2. Do back up your wishes with action points you can carry out.

3. If at first you don’t succeed, wish again (and take action again!)

Got it?

So wish!

Want to work with the Moon all year?

I have a ton of great stuff if you want to work with the Moon – from my Hay House Moonology diary (good for Aussie, UK and USA time zones) to my Create, Plan and Predict Your Life kit.

Today’s freebie

We are still in the New Moon phase today so you can still make your wishes! Here’s a free How To PDF.

Aquarius Cosmic Extras

Top 3 affirmations:

1. ‘I am connected to all life everywhere.’

2. ‘I love my friends and my friends love me.’

3. ‘My dreams are now manifesting, under grace in perfect ways.’

Essential Oil to use: Frankincense

Mantra: Om. Chant it out loud or silently

Chakra: The Third Eye, aka Ajna

Goddess: Isis, the great Goddess

Angel: Uriel, the illuminating archangel

Cosmic Ray: The pink-orange 11th ray is a combination of rays 1, 2, and 5

There’s more information about working with the Cosmic Extras in my book Moonology

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