Moonchild monthly horoscope – September 2018 - Yasmin Boland
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This month,learning is top of the agenda. This might mean you’re already in full-time education of course, of that you’re going back to it, perhaps signing up for a course to help further your qualifications.

Communication planet Mercury is in the cleverest sector of your chart for much of the month, and a New Moon in the studious sign Virgo on the 10th is brimming with academic genius. It’s an important month to take expert advice too or at the very least talk through any dilemmas or issues you have. If you’re studying, you can excel now.

Meeting new people and going new places awakens your curious gene and there’s much to learn when you look around you and keep an open mind. New connections make a big difference to your ability to make progress so be friendly and sociable. You don’t know what people are really like unless you make an effort to get to know them better.

Your love stars are pulsating with passion now especially once Venus enters sexy Scorpio on the 9th. Yet it depends on the state of a current relationship whether love is to expand or decrease. September 12 looks amazing for any Cancerians who have been working on an important relationship, be it familial, a friendship, a romance or a professional partnership. The lucky planet Jupiter will trigger Pluto in your Zone of Other People. Even relationships which have been really troubled can turn around now.

You’re a moon baby, i.e. ruled by the Moon and the Full Moon period is when your emotions are at their most sensitive. If your family aren’t happy with your choice of partner, this is when you’ll feel it the most. There are some potential challenges coming your way especially close to the Full Moon on the 25th.

Look out for a guru type or influential figure whose woo woo wisdom enables you to birth something dear to your heart. It might be a baby or it could be a creative project or prestigious event.

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