Moonchild daily horoscope – September 19 2018 - Yasmin Boland
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There are no major alignments today so I am going to give you a reading from my new deck of Moonology oracle cards.
To get the most of the reading, think of or write down your most pressing question. Writing it down is better because you can’t “fudge” the answer later! Remember, if you’re reading this, it’s for YOU. Your message is…
Nothing will come of this situation.
In a form of astrology known as ‘horary’, where a chart is cast according to when the question is asked and decoded, a Void of Course Moon means ‘Nothing will come of this matter’ or ‘This situation will bear no fruit’. This may or may not be good news, depending on what you are asking. For example, if you were worried about something, whatever it was, this card can be taken as a sign that there is nothing to worry about. However, if you’re asking about a new project of any kind, including a new relationship, it’s a sign to adjust your expectations or change things so you get a different outcome. Remember, the cards can only predict what you are currently creating, and you can change that with your both behaviour and beliefs.
“I trust in my highest good.”
My Moonology oracle cards come out in less than a week – you can pre-order your deck here.

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