[Eclipse manifesting] Harnessing the Power of Crystals for Energetic Clearing Ahead of the Eclipse - Yasmin Boland
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Harnessing the Power of Crystals for Energetic Clearing

I hope you have been using the days since the recent Full Moon eclipse to CLEAR out!

It’s so important to do, as we head towards the New Moon eclipse which will be PERFECT for manifesting.

One thing you can use in this practise is crystals – they’re tools of immense power and energy anytime but especially now!

As we edge closer to the powerful April 8 New Moon eclipse – being called The Great American Eclipse as it will be visible from there, Canada and Mexico – understanding how to use crystals for energetic clearing is so powerful.

The right crystals can help dissolve blockages, cleanse your aura, and align your energy, setting the stage for potent manifestation work.

The Vibrational Magic of Crystals

Crystals operate on the principle of vibration. Each crystal emits a specific frequency called piezoelectricity that can interact with our energy fields, helping to harmonize, balance, and clear away negativity.

In preparation for the New Moon eclipse — a time ripe for setting intentions and seeding beginnings — selecting crystals that resonate with clearing and manifestation can amplify your results.

Key Crystals for Energetic Clearing

    • Clear Quartz: The Master Healer – Clear Quartz is known as the master healer. Its clear, luminous energy acts as a powerful cleanser, clearing the mind and energy field of clutter and confusion. Holding or meditating with Clear Quartz can help you set clear, focused intentions for the eclipse.
    • Black Tourmaline: The Protector – Black Tourmaline is your spiritual bodyguard. It excels in absorbing negative energy, protecting you from environmental and emotional pollutants. Place Black Tourmaline near your entryways or carry it with you to maintain a clear, protected aura.
    • Selenite: The Liquid Light – Selenite, with its ethereal glow, is like liquid light. It’s excellent for invoking peace and tranquility, clearing away energetic debris, and opening the higher chakras. Selenite wands can be waved around the body or placed in living spaces to maintain a high vibrational atmosphere.
    • Amethyst: The Intuition Enhancer – Amethyst enhances intuition and spiritual awareness, making it perfect for eclipse season. It helps clear the mind of unnecessary thoughts and aligns you with your higher self, facilitating insightful meditations and intention setting.
    • Citrine: The Manifestor’s Gold – Citrine, vibrant and energizing, is known as the stone of abundance. It doesn’t just help clear negative energy; it attracts prosperity, joy, and success. Keeping Citrine close can help you manifest your desires into reality, especially during the New Moon.

    Incorporating Crystals into Your Eclipse Rituals

    1. Create a Crystal Grid: Arrange your chosen crystals in a grid around you or your manifesting space to amplify their energy.
    2. Meditate with Crystals: Hold a crystal or place it in front of you during meditation, focusing on its energy and your intentions.
    3. Cleanse Your Space: Use Selenite or Clear Quartz to wave through your space, clearing the energy in preparation for the New Moon eclipse.

    The Time is Now

    With just a few days left until the April 8 eclipse, now is the moment to harness the power of crystals for your energetic clearing and manifestation work. By choosing crystals that resonate with your intentions and using them mindfully, you can prepare yourself for a powerful new beginning.

    Ready to dive deeper and unlock the full potential of manifestation during the eclipse season? Join me in my Eclipse prep web class, where we’ll explore the magic of the New Moon, the power of intention setting, and how to align your energy for transformative manifestation NOW. This web class will disappear in a few days, and the eclipse is nearly upon us — reserve your spot here and step into a world of possibility and power.

    This journey of energetic clearing and manifestation is not just about achieving your desires; it’s about aligning with your highest self and the universe’s abundant flow. Let the power of crystals guide you through this eclipse season, and watch as the doors to your dreams swing wide open. Click here to watch the free, half-hour video so you’re ready to make some wishes that work at the eclipse!

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