[Eclipse] 5 Signs You're Holding Onto Energy That Blocks Manifestation - Yasmin Boland
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As we approach the potent energy of the eclipse season, it’s an ideal time to reflect on our manifesting practices, particularly how we prepare energetically.

Manifesting during an eclipse can be incredibly powerful, but it also requires us to be in the right energetic space.

Sometimes, without even realizing it, we might be holding onto energy that blocks our ability to manifest effectively.

Here are five subtle signs that you might be holding onto negative or stagnant energy, preventing your manifestations from taking flight.

1. Recurring Negative Thoughts

Your thoughts are powerful creators of your reality. If you find yourself frequently wrestling with negative thoughts or doubts about your worthiness, it’s a sign that you’re holding onto energy that’s not serving you. These thought patterns not only lower your vibration but also create a barrier against the manifestation of your desires, especially during the heightened energy of an eclipse.

2. Feeling Stuck or Stagnant

Feeling like you’re in a rut, whether it’s in your career, personal life, or spiritual growth, can indicate energetic blockages. When our energy isn’t flowing freely, we might struggle to move forward or attract new opportunities. The eclipse season is a call to action, urging us to release these blockages and embrace the transformative energy it offers.

3. Physical Clutter

The state of our physical space often reflects our internal state. If your living or working environment is cluttered and chaotic, it’s likely that your energy is too. Physical clutter can create mental clutter, making it difficult to focus your intentions and energy on manifesting your desires. Use the time leading up to the eclipse to declutter your space, symbolically making room for your manifestations to enter.

4. Lack of Passion or Excitement

The Great American (Manifesting) Eclipse 2024​​ - Side BannerWhen was the last time you felt truly passionate or excited about your goals and dreams? If it’s been a while, this could be a sign that you’re weighed down by energy that’s dimming your light. Passion and excitement are fuel for manifestation, igniting the fire that propels your desires into the universe. Reconnect with what sets your soul on fire as we approach the eclipse.

5. Difficulty Letting Go of the Past

Holding onto past hurts, regrets, or failures can significantly impede your ability to manifest. The eclipse season, with its powerful energy of closure and new beginnings, is the perfect time to practice letting go. Forgiveness, whether it’s forgiving yourself or others, is a crucial step in clearing out the old, stagnant energy and making space for new blessings.

Recognizing these signs in your own life is the first step toward releasing the energy that holds you back from manifesting your deepest desires. As we move into the eclipse season, let’s embrace this opportunity to cleanse our energetic space, setting the stage for powerful, positive transformations. Remember, the universe is always ready to support your dreams—the key is ensuring your energy is aligned and open to receiving its gifts.

Embracing the Eclipse

Eclipses are cosmic reset buttons, offering us a chance to clear out the old and make way for the new. As you prepare for the upcoming eclipse, take time to reflect on these signs. Are there areas in your life where stagnant energy is lurking? Use the potent energy of the eclipse to release, reset, and realign. Your manifestations are waiting on the other side.

And if you’re determined to do some powerful eclipse manifesting but you’re not sure how to release the negativity, I have something for you – a half-hour video with some really simple and easy to do exercises for getting clear ahead of the April 8 eclipse (which is being called The Great American Eclipse as it will be visible over the USA, Canada and Mexico). Click here to watch it!

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