Daily Moon into Taurus - Yasmin Boland
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This is a lovely Moon sign – the Moon and Taurus go really well together.

They both have a bit of a ‘food’ thing going on: the Moon rules food and Taurus loves food. So, watch out for overeating if you’re watching your weight, but enjoy yourself if you’re not.

This is a sensual and relaxing Moon placement so try not to have anything too jarring to do.

Having a massage or lazing around all day in bed with your lover/cat/a cup of tea is ideal. This is a No Rush day.

That said, if you do have a lot to achieve today, the slow and steady plod of Taurus will aid and abet you.

If you’re aiming to increase your cash flow, the abundant Taurus Moon makes it a very good time to work on your visualizations and plans.

– From my best-selling book Moonology

What today is good for…

◗ Good for… Relaxing and canoodling, eating and basking.

◗ Not so good for…Doing unpleasant tasks.

◗ Do… Indulge your senses and enjoy some creature comforts.

◗ Don’t… Be stubborn.

2019 Soul & Spirit Awards

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If you’re the UK, you will go in the running to win some great prizes, including the chance to go through a full Reiki training or to win some awesome yoga gear.

Cosmic Extras

Taurus Cosmic Extras

Top 3 affirmations:

1. ‘I am happy, healthy, wealthy and wise!’

2. ‘Thank you, Universe – all my needs are provided for!’

3. ‘I’m worth it!’

Essential Oil to use: Ylangylang

Mantra: Lam. Chant it out loud or silently

Chakra: The Root, aka Muladhara

Angel: Chamuel, archangel of love

Goddess: Abundance Goddess Abundantia

Cosmic Ray: The 2nd ray which is blue

There’s more information about working with the Cosmic Extras in my book Moonology

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