COSMIC COLUMN June 10 2018 - Yasmin Boland
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There are seven major astro-alignments I want to discuss this week – sort of one for every day of the week though they don’t happen quite that neatly!

  1. Let’s start with the New Moon in Gemini

This is the moment of the year when we would all do well to take a pledge to be better communicators. Communication is everything in relationships, so unless you’re planning to go and sit in a cave and meditate somewhere, chances are that you need to hone your communications skills for a better life. And it really can bring you a better life. At the time of the New Moon, communications planet Mercury is facing off with Saturn so it’s a case of either learn your lessons or face the consequences! Agreements made now are extra likely to stick, too.

  1. Mercury will move into the sign of Cancer

So it’s time to turn the mind to thoughts of home, hearth and family. Know that for the coming few weeks, the communications planet Mercury is in the dynamic sign of Cancer and speak your mind, while remaining cognisant of the impact your words are having on the person listening to you. Don’t be crabby!

  1. Mercury will harmonise with Uranus and clash with Chiron

Say what you mean and mean what you say but if someone is hurting your feeling, draw the line! Conversations now can move mountains or at least grease the wheels.

  1. Venus enters Leo

Don’t let pride get in your way when it comes to love or abundance.

  1. Venus clashes with Uranus

Venus clashing with Uranus can bring financial and emotional curveballs. The trick is to make “live and let live” your mantra, if you’re feeling at all under fire.

  1. Venus trines Chiron

Kiss and make up after any upsets.

  1. Mercury trines Chiron

As above. As the week ends, if you need to apologise or accept someone’s apology, just do it. Life is too short!

Overall this is the week to decide that you’re going to have a whole new mind-set about whatever you have been thinking too rigidly about, especially if it’s to do with an affair of the heart or your bank account.

Love knowing the weekly energies in advance? You can sign up to receive a reminder and link about this column every week here. Plus Yasmin Boland has created a limited edition 2019 Moon Diary for Hay House – pre-order it here!

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