COSMIC COLUMN July 1 2018 - Yasmin Boland
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Welcome to July! Probably the first thing to know is that this is an eclipse month! Yes the astrology for this week is interesting but let’s talk first about the coming New and Full Moon eclipses.

The New Moon eclipse will take place on July 13 and the Full Moon eclipse on July 28. These two lunations make July extra exciting and laden with opportunities.

What you need to understand if you’re going to fully work with the Moon is that the Moon gives us a rhythm that just plain suits us.

So tap into the upcoming eclipses. Get ready for make a big and bold leap in whatever part of your chart the eclipse will be affecting your chart. I will let you know in your weekly stars as we get closer to the date. And ditto prepare to release something at the time of the Full Moon eclipse. New Moon / beginnings. Full Moon release. In some ways it can be seen as New Moon as the Universe / Full Moon accept what is.

That might seem like a futile exercise. I used to not be fond of the phrase “you get what you get and you don’t get upset” and “it is what it is” but these days I can see the energetic advantage of accepting what is at least once a month and counting ones blessings and releasing our desires the to Universe.

So think about all that this week.

It’s an overall positive week with two main astro-events:

Chiron starts a reverse cycle. This is the wounded healer so whatever we are healing, the hurt might get another poke, and there is a greater to heal whatever is hurting you. As UK spiritual coach Ollie Trew says “be glad if something triggers you because it’s showing you where you can do some healing.”

The second-half of the week brings great Sun/Jupiter and Mercury/Mars connections. Speak up confidently without tipping into aggression.

We’re in the waning cycle of the Moon, so if you need time out, take it.

Love knowing the weekly energies in advance? You can sign up to receive a reminder and link about this column every week here. Plus Yasmin Boland has created a limited edition 2019 Moon Diary for Hay House – pre-order it here!

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