by Yasmin Boland | 5 hours ago | Aquarius
A big lesson that 2025 has given you this year is how you spend your time. Think about those tasks and obligations you attend to. Have they worn out their welcome? Do they bring emotional angst? Or do you do them out of love and care? It could be a combination of...
by Yasmin Boland | 5 hours ago | Aries
If you need to call time out on a particular situation in order to give you more perspective, then do so. Mars, your guiding star, has been retrograde all year so far. While it won’t turn around until next week, things are likely going to ramp up a bit. With planets...
by Yasmin Boland | 5 hours ago | Virgo
There is a lot going on for you now when it comes to relationships of all kinds. Professional pairings. Romantic relationships. Friends, Groups and Communities. They are all taking much of your time, energy and attention. This could be a distracting focus or you could...
by Yasmin Boland | 5 hours ago | Scorpio
Mars your ruling planet has been retrograde all year. Thus, you’ve had the chance to really figure out your big picture plans and your perspectives on life. Chances are, this cosmic upgrade has prompted you change your heart and mind about quite a few things. Change...
by Yasmin Boland | 5 hours ago | Capricorn
You tend to be someone who is focused on the future. Taking a brick-by-brick approach to whatever it is you wish to build or create. However, right now, you might be better off spending some time actually sweating the small stuff. In fact, the more energy and...