Aries Daily Horoscope – 20 October 2021 - Yasmin Boland
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Happy Full Moon day!

A bit of info for all the signs, about the Full Moon from my bestselling Moonology Diary: The first thing to note about this Full Moon is that it’s the first one in the new lunar cycle. So if you want to see what happens in your life when you work with the Full Moon every month, now’s the time to commit. Joining this might help!
While working with the New Moon is fun and amazing, it’s working with the Full Moon and releasing resistance through forgiveness and surrender that truly allows us to consciously create our lives. Why? Because in doing that release work, we become more energetically clear and when that happens, it’s much easier for us to send out our dreams to the Universe.
So release anger and upset and resentment at the Full Moon and you’ll feel good. And when you feel good, you manifest/attract/create good things, consciously or not. These are all things to think about at this Full Moon, which looks like being fiery and perhaps extra emotional.

And what it means for you

The Full Moon takes place in your sign which is a sure message from the skies – it’s time to stop thinking so much about someone else, and time to start investing some emotional energy into your own well-being. This is a potentially highly emotional time so don’t be surprised if life feels extra intense. The trick is not to loose your cool, and to stay mindful of the fact that what happens now can be a path to your future. The Full Moon is definitely a marker for you – it can also be a turning point. If you’re not happy about where you life is headed, it’s time to turn and face a new direction.  PS  I did a free Facebook  and Facebook  ceremony last night for the Full Moon if you want some help with ditching the angst and moving towards manifesting your dream life!

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