Aquarius Daily Horoscope – July 19 2019 - Yasmin Boland
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Where Mercury goes…

Mercury is the planet of the mind. About a week ago, I gave you a heads up that Mercury would soon change signs – that’s happening now as Mercury starts his visit to the sign of Moonchild (aka Cancer)… only thing is, Mercury is actually REVERSING into Moonchild because guess what? Mercury is retrograde. (If you’re interested in Mercury retrograde, I have a book coming out about this very subject very soon – you can pre-order it here).

What does Mercury’s latest move mean for you?

Expect to be doing some rethinking and reconsidering re your daily work and health routines. There could also be confusion in one of these areas. If you find an old health concern comes back at this time, try not to be alarmed and instead look at it as a chance to release the malady forever. There are times when Mercury going backwards means we can somehow put an end to something which started under a previous Mercury retrograde. So if you have a health problem which first emerged while this planet was in reverse, you may find the coming few weeks give you the chance to knock it on the head. This cycle is also good for anyone who’s fallen off their exercise routines timetable. Get back into them now and you shouldn’t have to wrestle too hard to keep it all up until at least the next Mercury cycle. At work, this period gives you the chance to renegotiate your daily duties. Think about what you would like to change. The key with Mercury retrograde is always to let the cycle unfold without making any major decisions, if you can. Mercury retrograde usually leads to more information being sent your way so it’s best to way and see what transpires before you act.

Get your astrology chart done for free…

As astrology becomes more and more popular, it’s time for people to start to get their charts done. These charts have been written by a variety of truly amazing and skilled astrologers – they’ve been online for years and still I don’t think anyone has surpassed them. Best of all, you can get free samples here.

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