How to use the law of attraction and astrology - Yasmin Boland
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Have you got something you want to do really well at?


The coming 12 hours are looking extremely positive for that.


We are heading towards a connexion between the planet Mercury and the planet Jupiter.


Mercury is the mind planet, so wherever he goes, our thoughts and our ability to express ourselves follows.


Jupiter is the positive planet of all good things. Jupiter has just made a big move into the sign of Aries, in the last week or so. That means we all have extra luck in our chart somewhere.


I’m going to be holding a workshop about that. You can find out more about it here.


But what we have coming up right now is a link between Mercury, the mind planet, and Jupiter, the positive planet.


In other words, it’s going to be a heck of a lot easier for us all to look on the positive side of life now, even if life is a bit up and down.


It will be easier to be optimistic and to expect good things.


On the one hand, this is just a good thing in and of itself.


It means we are going to feel less mentally tortured (!!) and more like there is a lot to look forward to… as indeed there surely is!


On the other hand though, there is a spiritual significance here.


If you know anything about me and my work, you know I am all about moonology and the law of attraction. I’m also all about astrology and the law of attraction as bedfellows. I’m all about using astrology and moonology to help you shape your life and make your dreams real.


So this is a peak moment for all that.


Here we have the good luck planet Jupiter recently changed signs and therefore quite triggered and prominent and now we have the planet of the mind, of communications and expression, Mercury, coming up to an alignment.


Put all that together and now is the time to keep your mind focused on the outcome that you want. Expect good Things. Visualise your dreams. Stay positive.


I was recently talking to someone who declares that he is a very religious person. He is in a dispute with someone and praying about it but he doesn’t really believe he’s going to get what he wants, even though he believes he is in the right. He feels doomed.


This makes absolutely no sense to me. If you believe that the Divine is real, then you need to believe that the Divine is on your side and on the side of right.


Sure you can ask for “whatever is best for me” to manifest, but you have to at least hold out some hope that your dreams can come true. He lacks confidence because of his hard upbringing. I hope his prayers are answered!


So where are you with all of this?


Do you believe you can make your dreams come true? Do you believe in yourself? Do you believe that you have the power to shape your life?


I’m not saying that everything is going to be just perfect and hunky dory because Mercury and Jupiter are meeting. I’m not even saying that Jupiter’s move into the first sign of the zodiac, Aries, is going to completely turn your luck around.


But there is no doubt that Jupiter moving into Aries makes Jupiter fierier and bolder probably even more confident than usual.


Used right, this astrology can be amazing.


So whatever it is you need to do this week, do it boldly and with the confidence that the Divine is on your side and things will workout for your highest good.


Which obviously reminds me of one of Louise Hayes most famous affirmations


All is well. Everything is working out for my highest good. Out of this situation only goodwill come. I am safe.


Keep saying that to yourself regardless of whatever you’re going through this week and the planets will aid and abet you in staying positive.


If you want to find out where lucky Jupiter is in your chart now and how to make the most of, please click here and join me for my upcoming one hour Jupiter workshop.


By the way, if you are a member of my Sun, Moon and Stars membership, the workshop is free! And if you’re not a member but you’d like to join for $1 and get the workshop while erratic, just click here and await your invitation.


Remember, attitude is everything!

Workshop Get Lucky

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