Seven Principles of Manifesting Your Desires - Yasmin Boland
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Seven Principles of Manifesting Your Desires – via Deepak Chopra – plus #8 and #9 from me

  1. See the universe as an extension of yourself. (New Moon)
  2. Evolve through the mirror of relationship. (Crescent Moon)
  3. Understand that intention has infinite organizing power. (First Quarter Moon)
  4. Free yourself from emotional turbulence. (Gibbous Moon)
  5. Harness the masculine and the feminine in your own. (Full Moon)
  6. Never ignore a coincidence (Disseminating Moon)
  7. Stay grounded and centered in yourself beyond your ego. (Last Quarter Moon)
  8. Surrender to the Divine (Balsamic Moon)
  9. Kenosis (Dark Moon)


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