Gemini Daily Horoscope – 09 May 2022 - Yasmin Boland
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There’s now one week to the Full Moon

Are you going hard at your dreams? Think about your New Moon wishes. Try harder to make them come true. Re-orient yourself if you know you went off track.

And today…?

The constant busy-ness and chatter of the past few days should have started to cease now as the Moon moves out of one of the noisiest parts of your chart and into your 4th House of Home, Family and Privacy. If you want to hunker down with your family or flatmates, or just the cat, you’re totally entitled to do that, according to the Stars. One of the best ways to use this lunar transit is to call up your family or people who feel like family and simply share a meal with them.
PS Mercury retrograde begins tomorrow! Are you ready? Download your free Mercury retrograde guide.

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