How to make wishes come true - Yasmin Boland
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A wish come true is a beautiful thing, right?!

But it’s got to be a hard thing to make happen? Yes?


The other day, I had the pleasure to interview the wonderful spiritual guide Sonia Choquette who talked about the fact that indeed we humans are here on planet Earth because we are learning how to make wishes come true.

As Sonia once said to me…

The earth is a school of manifestation…

I completely get this.

We are HERE to manifest!!!!

Based on this ideas, I want to explain here is a little bit of the process of how to make a wish come true.

The thing is, people think it’s all about the wishing, only.

However that’s not right.

Here’s the thing –

Wishing is only half the story when it comes to making your wishes come true.

The other half is all about clearing away negativity and self-doubt, all the false and limited beliefs you have about why you can’t make magic in your life.

I asked my readers on Facebook to tell me what – if anything – they felt was holding them back from making wishes that work and the said things like:

Fear I think. Seems I am afraid all the time lately. Fear of getting what I want to be happy and safe. Hard to explain
– Kathy, USA

I set off full of enthusiasm then ….. 🤷‍♀️ … distractions, family etc. And it’s not as though I don’t have time, I retired but still can’t allow myself to focus – I seem to have a ‘scattergun’ approach
– Jan, UK

Thinking about it, it must be a self worth / self belief thing. My teen daughters roll their eyes (in a playful way) when I do moon ceremonies etc, but it’s making the time and believing I can actually manifest
– Shannon, Australia

So what I will do in the Moonology Manifesting Challenge which I am running from January 26 is give you methods to help you work through these kinds of beliefs.

Over the course of 7 days, we will be doing what it takes to help you

MMC(Jan26-Feb2) - Side– focus
– have your more faith in yourself
– clear past negative beliefs
– move through fear
– demolish self-doubt

This is the second time we have run the challenge – and indeed we are using the videos from the first session for the first few days because they proved to be very powerful.

All you need to do is turn up every day and you will be taken through this step-by-step process. Fill out the worksheets we give you and commit to the process with your heart!

The Moonology Manifesting Challenge will see that there is a bit more to making wishes come true than just making a wish.

Once you know how to do this, you become unstoppable!

The Moonology Manifesting Challenge is FREE and runs from January 26 to February 1 (though we might add a bonus day). When you sign up, you will also get access to our free Facebook group, so you can meet the other amazing people doing this process and work together.

It’s obviously about YOU not me but I can tell you that hand on heart, running this challenge is one of the best things I have ever done professionally.

We work with the phases of the Moon at the end of the lunar cycle and watching participants having the most amazing breakthroughs that they shared courageously was amazing – I can hardly wait to do it all again!

You can sign up for the free Moonology Manifesting Challenge here.

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