Leo Daily Horoscope – 03 November 2021 - Yasmin Boland
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We are in the ends of the Waning Cycle

We are now in the Dark Moon phases which is the time to let everything just crumble away. What do you need to release? Join me for a free Dark Moon ceremony here.

Meanwhile, Mercury is on the move…

If you feel like you’re just about at the end of your tether after all the running around and general busy-ness of the past few weeks, try to hang in there. You have just one week left of a very busy cycle. The best thing you can do is reassure yourself that you will always be required to juggle so many balls at once and do what you can to stoically and systematically work through the list of Things To Do you have before you. Before too long, you will have a much improved chance to relax. Knowing your Moon type shows you how you manifest best – find out for free in this free What’s Your Moon Type quiz.

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