Scorpio Daily Horoscope – 13 October 2021 - Yasmin Boland
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One week to the Full Moon…

If you’re anything like me, you feel like life is going at 100 miles an hour as we speed towards the end of the year. I am still processing my New Moon wishes but here comes the Full Moon – and it’s a really important one too! It’s in the sign of Aries which means it’s the first Full Moon of a new 12 month cycle. So here’s what it’s going to mean for you (read your rising sign if you know it!) If you feel like going under the radar right now, that’s absolutely your prerogative. In fact it might be the best thing you can possibly do. Reason being, the sun is currently in your 12th house, which is the part of your chart which is all about secret’s, darkness, and having some alone time. You could also be feeling rather exhausted because at this point in the year, it’s been 12 months since you had the life giving vital force of the sun in your side. That will happen soon. But what also is going to happen is the full moon in your 6th house in about a week. So as much as you need time outcome mate you also need to find a balance quiz all the duties you have to fulfil. PS Click here if you’re curious about how to use oracle cards to change your life…

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