Pisces Weekly Horoscope – 03 August 2021 - Yasmin Boland
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The word on the street, or should that be the sky, is that what people say to you, and at work most markedly, seems to be laced with a subtext or hidden agenda. It’s like they don’t want to get to the nitty-gritty. Or are you reading too much into things? It’s easy to get frazzled under a sky like this. Give yourself a break and tune out those people that aren’t adding value to your day without feeling guilty about it. You might want to reintroduce meditation or yoga to your routine if either one has fallen by the wayside.
Working with the Moon through the eclipses is the best thing you can do to stay on an even keel as the energy builds. Join the (free!) Moon Lite Collective and get a wealth of free Moon info which will help you strengthen your ability to create a magical life. For real! It’s here.

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