Virgo Daily Horoscope – 09 July 2021 - Yasmin Boland
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If the last 18 or so months of living with a pandemic has taught us anything, it’s the power of truly positive connection and meaningful friendship. As life slowly looks like a certain kind of normal, you may begin questioning the nature of some of the friends, groups and communities of which you belong. Some will falter, and you’ll recognise the ones you need to release. As you do, those that remain will become stronger than ever.

Are you Virgo Rising?

Your Rising Sign is SO important – it dictates the way your whole horoscope and LIFE plays out! Don’t know your Rising Sign? Find it out for free here. And if you’re Virgo Rising? You’re about to get a lucky New Moon you need to know about! Click here for info.

Release with the Dark Moon

Before the New Moon, we get the Dark Moon, which is the time to release. Join me for a free online Dark Moon ceremony here.

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