Virgo Daily Horoscope – 14 June 2021 - Yasmin Boland
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Everybody say BOOM!…

For those of you who have been wondering when these super-intense energies are going to finally subside, the answer is; tomorrow, more or less. Remember, we have had the Full Moon eclipse following two weeks later by the New Moon eclipse, followed by Mercury jolly retrograde followed by the little kicker today in the shape of the Saturn/Uranus clash. I wrote a post about this clash and it’s been shared nearly 250 times – check it out here!

So now what?…

This Saturn/Uranus clash today is the peak of the current mad astrology. Wherever you have Uranus in your chart, that is where you’re being encouraged to smash something down… Here is the info you need to know about that…
Just when you thought you had pinned life down and you knew all you ever needed to know about your view of the world, along comes the planet of chaos, Uranus, turning your life philosophies upside down! Question everything you every thought. You are great at analysing. So things thing through. Liberate yourself from ideas which came from so long ago that it feels like another life. Unexpected trips, course of study and bouts of teaching are also extra possible now.

Summing up…

It’s all about tradition versus rebellion. Where are you rebelling? What is holding you back? Where do you need a revolution in your life?

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