COSMIC COLUMN June 3 2018 - Yasmin Boland
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We are now in the waning cycle of the Moon…

We are now in the waning cycle of the Moon, which means we are going from last week’s Full Moon (when the Moon is obviously at her roundest) to the New Moon next week (when She will disappear altogether for a short while).

That’s why the term for this part of the cycle is “waning”. She is literally disappearing before our very eyes – or appearing to. (Remember the shape of the Moon that we see every night actually just depends on the angle of the light on the Moon from the Sun…)

So what is this cycle for?

This is the time of the cycle to let go. It’s certainly not the time to be starting anything new. The Moon is waning. This cycle is all about what’s falling away. It’s about releasing and letting go.
So this week, try to let go.

There are some interesting astrological aspects to work with now, too.

A mid-week Sun/Mercury connections puts the focus on communications. Talk issues through and let upsets fall away. There could also be high passions thanks to a clash between loving Venus and paranoid Pluto.

However the biggest influence of the week looks like being clashes between first Mercury and then the Sun with the planet of confusion, bewilderment and puzzles, aka Neptune.

This will actually be a strong force around us all on Wednesday and Thursday. When Neptune is at its best, it’s about Spirit and the Divine and enlightenment. At its worst, as it is arguably this week, it’s about being really unsure of everything.

We just must trust…

All in all, it’s a week to trust and just be. If in doubt, meditate and trust your instincts. And if you really don’t know the best way forwards this week, then take seven days to let events unfold. Next week brings the New Moon and the new waxing cycle, so the energies are going to be very different before too long!

Remember there have been some big energetic changes lately (see; Uranus’ move into Taurus) and we need time to adjust.

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PS Yasmin Boland has created a limited edition 2019 Moon Diary for Hay House with info for every New and Full Moon of the year ahead – it’s already charting on amazon and you can pre-order it here!

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