Capricorn Daily Horoscope – February 07 2021 - Yasmin Boland
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If any planetary connection could describe 2021, then the challenging one between Saturn and Uranus would be it. Uranus is the ripper of rule books, the angry cries of protesters and the preserver of individual rights and identity while Saturn strives to maintain the very foundations of our society that we have come to trust and rely on. Changes rarely occur without difficulties or resistance but we would be wise to look at the world we live in with wisdom and without fear. This Saturn-Uranus connection happens about every eleven years and what we are currently working with in 2021 is the final push to find a way to welcome the new while honouring the old.
Saturn is now moving through your second house, the sector of the chart that rules finances. Uranus moving through your fifth house, the sector of the chart that rules how you express your creativity, invites you to cultivate new artistic skills. When was the last time you held a paintbrush or set aside some time for writing? Re-discover the activities that you had convinced yourself that you didn’t have time for.

Are you Aries Rising

Every month we do a workshop for one Rising Sign – and this month, it’s you! It will take place just after the New Moon because we do it at the Moon when your New Moon wishes are most powerful. Find out more at

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