Virgo Daily Horoscope – February 03 2021 - Yasmin Boland
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You love to be busy. You are in your element with a list of tasks and projects to complete. That said, even the most helpful and efficient Virgo’s need a break every now and then. It’s a new month now and if January had you snowed under, it may be time to flip the script. There are many ways to do this. “No” as a full sentence is one. Delegating tasks is another. Maybe you’re working extra hard toward something important. If that’s the case, don’t neglect your self-care as you go.

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The easiest way to connect with the cosmos is to start by connecting to the Moon. She is free, available to everyone all over the world and can help you make magic. Join the (free!) Moon Lite Collective and get some amazing resources to help you on your journey here.

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