3 Things To Do After You Make Your New Moon Wishes - Yasmin Boland
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The other day I had a question on my private Facebook group (subscribers only).

“So New Moon wishes are made. What now? Do we just let the divine work its magic or do we still visualise them coming true during the waxing phase? I’ve been saying the affirmations I wrote during the ceremony and visualising at the end of my daily meditations. Is this OK? Is there something else I should be doing?”

For a self-professed newbie (and one of the few males in our midst!) he gave a couple of very good answers to his own questions.

1. For the good of all or not at all!

“Do we just let the divine work its magic or do we still visualise them coming true during the waxing phase?”

I would say at this stage, it needs to be a combination of both. If you are using the methods in my book Moonology for your New Moon wishing, you will know that when you make your wishes, you say something along the lines of “For the good of all or not at all!” as you send your wishes out to the Universe.

In a way, in that moment, you are handing your wishes over to the Divine there and then.

That said, during the Waxing Cycle, which is from New to Full Moon, you do want to keep working on them. Visualising them is a really good idea. Think of it like day-dreaming about something which would make you happy. Like unto itself is drawn.

Note that things don’t always happen straight away, there actually seems to be a little bit of magic in forgetting what you wishing for. But more about that in another post about the Full Moon. In the waxing cycle it’s really good to keep visualising. See how good you feel when you do it. Can you believe it? Can you feel it in your body? If you can, you’re on the right track.

You should also be looking out for “signs during the New to Full Moon waxing cycle. I’m talking about little messages from the cosmos which are signs you’re on the right track. Just say you’re wishing for a new yellow Mercedes (for argument’s sake!) If you see a yellow Mercedes in the street or on tv or the net or in a magazine the next day, it’s like a wink from the Universe you are on the right track. Get it?

2. Should I do affirmations?

“I’ve been saying the affirmations I wrote during the ceremony and visualising at the end of my daily meditations. Is this OK?”

Doing affirmations is equally important. Again, they are partly a litmus test for you. How much push back do you feel when you say your affirmations? Do you feel it’s possible? If not, you need to work on that. These things are not magic per se – not in the way you might imagine a magician SUDDENLY pulling a rabbit out of a hat. One thing you will realise is that it’s a process.

Apparently – according to American writer, teacher and activist Starhawk – the word witch comes from an Olde English work that means to “bend reality”. If you can think of your New Moon manifesting life this (whether you consider yourself a witch or not) that is excellent.

What it seems to be that we are doing is that we are setting new realities in motion as we do this. The idea seems to be that we really can bend reality and create it. The “for the good of all or not at all” is a kind of insurance. It’s a bit like in Back To The Future, you want to with the Divine if you’re bending the space-time continuum.

So is it ok to do this? Women have done it for millenia. And let’s not forget that humans are ALL about creating. It’s out thing. We value creativity off-the-scale high.

And if you’re coming from a traditionally Christian background as I did, these words from the Bible are very comforting, if you’re wondering if all this is kosher, so to speak.

Mark 11:24: “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.”

Which is basically what you are doing when you visualise and affirm. This is why, if you pray, a prayer of thanks is so much better than a prayer of pleading.

It all starts to make sense, right?

3. Take inspired action

“Is there something else I should be doing?”

The answer is yes. Take action! Like I said, this isn’t abracadabra (which allegedly means “With my words I create”) in the old sense of something magically appearing out of thin air. This is a process. You have to take action. Taking action will show you more that what you want is possible! If you’re wish is to lose 20 pounds or 20 kgs, and one of the action points you commit to is to do a daily online Zumba session, every time you do that, you will believe just that little bit more that you can create your new reality.

Get it?

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