What is a Void of Course Moon? - Yasmin Boland
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This is a question I get A LOT so I thought it was about time to answer it.

But I am not going to sugar-coat it – if you start to delve into this, you kind of need to delve into astrology proper. (I have a course for that!) Unless you use the third, super-simple method I mention in the video —

So read on if

…you are or want to become a newbie student astrologer

… or skip to the video!

I have already written about it in my book Moonology, so I am not going to try and reinvent the wheel – here is the info straight from there!

What’s a Void-of-Course Moon?

To answer this, I first need to give you some very basic information about astrology.

As you know, astrologers study the planets’ movements, and what that means is that we study the angles – or ‘aspect’ – that the planets are making to each other.

The 5 main aspects…

So for example, when two planets are 90° away from each other on the 360° wheel of the skies/astrological chart, they are said to be making a ‘square’ (which is a clashing angle – aspect – that can cause issues to come up for dealing with).

When two planets are 60° apart, they are said to be making a sextile (an easier aspect); 120° apart is a trine (easy) and 0° (which is when the planets are in the same place at the same time) is a conjunction (they can go either way, depending).

When planets are 180° apart they are oppositions, which are challenging.

How do you tell? Well you do need to learn a bit of astrology! (Or for an easier way, keep reading or watch the video on this page…)
With that said, here are three main definitions of a Void-of- Course (VOC) Moon:

1. The Moon doesn’t make an aspect with any planet until it moves into the next sign of the zodiac.

2. The Moon doesn’t make an exact aspect with any planet within the next 30° of its travels.

3. The Moon is not making an exact aspect within a 10° orb.

The first definition is by far the most widely used and that’s the one you should be concerned with.


It’s said that whatever we start when the Moon is VOC will bear no fruit.

This is definitely not the time to start a new business or plan a wedding.

It’s a time just to ‘be’: to meditate and practise yoga, if you can.

Note that having a VOC Moon in your astrological birth chart isn’t the same thing, and is a topic beyond the scope of this post!

So how do you easily find out? I made a video about it.

See below:

0:00 – 5:20 minutes: A chat about Starhawk, and the rise of the Divine Feminine.
5:20 to 10:30: what the Void of Course Moon *is*…
10:30 minutes and beyond: an easy way to find out if the Moon will be Void of Course today

Spoiler alert…

Moonology Diary 2021An easy way to find out if the Moon will be Void of Course today is to check my Moonology Diary 2021.

It has which sign the Moon is in every day and on the days when you see TWO signs, it means the Moon is moving from one sign to another and per force will definitely be Void of Course then.

Sometimes it will be Void of Course even more than that but it’s a very good starting point for beginners.

We might include some VOC times in the 2022 diary, if that won’t confuse people too much!

So there you have it.

PPS I have taken special precautions not to publish this post while the Moon is VOC!

PPS If you buy my diary now (it’s almost sold out!) you will have it in time to get free access to my Kickstart 2021 Moon Manifesting workshop on January 23. Only when you buy it from or register you copy here.


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