Moonchild Daily Horoscope – December 17 2020 - Yasmin Boland
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It’s a VERY big day astrologically-speaking

Maybe it’s just the circles I move in, but I kind of feel that if you haven’t heard about Jupiter and Saturn changing signs this week, you must be living on Uranus! I will most certainly be giving a chat about what it means for everybody on my daily live which you can catch here. Drop in a say hi!

What does Saturn’s move mean for you?


Keywords: It’s your responsibility to … look after your cash!

Wherever Saturn goes, lessons follow. Saturn is now hanging out in your solar joint finances zone, limited partnerships offering you the chance to rebuild your financial life and make important financial commitments. Joint finances might sound like an odd phrase, but it’s the umbrella term used in astrology to talk about the 8th house which covers salaries, taxes, inheritances and mortgages, as well as any other joint financial arrangements you can think of (eg in a romantic or business partnership). If the thought of complicated joint financial matters makes you want to run into a corner to hide away, this is the year to face your fears.

Accepting responsibility for your cash life is one of the main lessons you have facing you now, and learning to talk to anyone – from your boss to your bank manager – about dollars and cents, pounds and pence.

If a fear of taking responsibility of your finances is holding you back, this is a good time to rework those fears. Where do they come from? Do you leave bills unopened because you’re scared you can’t pay them, for example! Open them! Examine how you feel about cash and your cash management now. Confident? And if not, ask yourself why not.

Want more info?

I’ve created a simple but info-packed free PDF to give you more information about what this means for us all. The astrology we’re seeing now hasn’t been seen since 1405! Click here for your free report.

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